Hard work should buy us a house, our children's education, and enough to save for retirement.
We’re told we just have to work harder…
We do work hard. But no matter how much we work, we’re still struggling to get by—our paychecks just can’t stretch far enough. We’re backing jobs that support our families and help us get ahead, and stay ahead, in the place we proudly call home.

We’re told there’s
not enough to go around…
We would all have enough if the few at the top stopped taking more than they need. They’re using the age-old “divide and conquer” to make us fear our own neighbors. We’re rising above the division, so we can make sure there is plenty for all of us.

We’re told the government is the cause of our problems…
Our government is only as good as the people we elect. Again and again, our representatives have stood with big corporations over small businesses and working people. We’re all tired of this kind of politics. But let's be clear: government works when it’s by the people, for the people, and of the people. That’s the government we deserve, and the government we’re working for.
What We’re Doing
Rural People’s Voice is telling the story of what it means to be from North Central Washington. We’re the working- and middle-class majority, and we want to build a future with enough for all of us. Here’s how we do it:
Ensure our government is by us, for us, and of us
Advance an economy that
works for all of us
Tell real stories of who we are, where we come from,
and what we need
Sideline the political game that divides neighbor
from neighbor

Get Involved
Every dollar means more of our stories are told and more of our honest, hard working leaders get elected.
Collectively, we know our people and our stories better than anyone else. Let’s change the narrative together.
People across NCW are coming together to fuel this work. Join us, it’s going to take all of us.